

Working in conjunction with ecologists across East Anglia, we provide a wide range of ecological services from providing initial assessments for planning purposes to designing detailed mitigation plans for protected species.


As well as Phase 1 Surveys, (also known as Preliminary Ecological Appraisals or Initial Protected Species Surveys), we have experience of delivering surveys for a range of species including:

  • Bat Surveys
  • Dormouse Surveys
  • Invertebrate Surveys
  • Reptile Surveys
  • Great Crested Newt Surveys
  • Water Vole Surveys
  • Otter Surveys
  • Badger Surveys
  • Bird Surveys

Not all surveys can be carried out all the year round, but as a guide the best periods for surveys are indicated in the table below. However, professional advice is always recommended as to the best time to carry out surveys.