Environmental Planning

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can be generally defined as “a comprehensive assessment of the impact of a planned activity on the environment”. In essence it is a systematic process that examines the environmental consequences of development actions in advance. The purpose of an EIA is to ensure that the developer considers the ensuing environmental impacts before deciding to proceed with a project proposal.


Little Green Consulting Ltd can assist with the preparation of the required documentation to address the needs of a project requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment.


Environmental Impact Assessment

  • Consultation with client regarding Environmental Objectives
  • Agreeing and writing a scope for the EIA
  • Agree client’s targets and objectives and consider alternatives
  • Assessment of the project’s environmental baseline
  • Document the Aspects and Impacts of the project
  • Assess the main impacts that will arise from the project
  • Assess and evaluate the significance of the predicted impacts
  • Compile an Environmental Impact Statement

Advice on Environmental Projects

  • Understand the client’s objectives
  • Consideration of monitoring and mitigation
  • Manage the Environmental assessment requirements for development